This year, the PASAE Foundation is excited to announce we are once again hosting the yearly Silent Auction in conjunction with PASAE’s Holiday Luncheon and Annual Business Meeting. On Friday, December 16, 2022, we invite you to join us for some holiday cheer, as we celebrate all that has been accomplished in 2022, honor PASAE’s members and help to raise education and programming funds for the association community.
The auction is a success because of generous donations. Whether they are theme-filled baskets, overnight stays or tickets for a night out on the town, these items always spark some friendly banter and bring smiles to the faces of the recipients.
Please consider donating to this year’s cause.
To make a donation, complete the following form:
If you have any questions, send an email to or call 717-382-8137. All donations must be received at the PASAE Foundation by December 2.
Thanks for helping to make this year’s auction a success for the association community.